Where can I find more information about your company?
Our website has multiple pages dedicated to information about our company, structure, peer review or customer reviews. You can also find information about our company in various industry publications or through our social media profiles.
Below, we will provide a quick link to some of these pages for ease of navigation:
About Us Page
Terms & Conditions
Customer’s Reviews Page
Reviews on Reviews.io (verified customer reviews only)
Reviews on Google (verified and non-verified customer reviews)
Reviews on TrustPilot (verified and non-verified customer reviews)
Can the receipt be in my name even if I am not the one taking the course?
Our platform works as a credit-based system. Therefore, course purchases are not automatically attached to the name entered in the checkout process.
You, as the user, will be the one to decide if you want to start the program in your name or assign it to a different person.
Why do I have to pay Canadian taxes if located in another country?
The courses found on our website are created concerning Canadian legislation and customers.
We understand that our online presence can attract customers from other countries. Still, since we are not currently developing courses with other countries’ training standards, our checkout form will only allow our customers to input addresses from Canada.
By imposing this limit, customers in a different country who purchase our programs with a Canadian address will have to pay Canadian taxes.
Will I receive a receipt for my transaction?
Yes. Once the payment is finalized, you will be redirected to a “Thank you page” containing a receipt you can download and print immediately.
Alternatively, you can find your receipts by logging into your account and clicking the tab “Receipts” available from the left side navigational menu.