Do you provide in-person or classroom training?
We currently do not provide such services, and we have no plans to do so.
Where can I find more information about your training programs?
eSafetyFirst Canada is a company that sells safety training courses.
To do so, we offer specific product information through our product pages and the blog content, which is informational content particular to the product topic, meant to provide the reader with additional info (usually legislation and training requirements).
To navigate to a product page, click the “Explore Courses” option in the website’s header menu. You can also find a direct link to the blog article specific to that product from the product page or by visiting the Blog.
Suppose you are not the decision maker or prefer to access our information differently than through the website. In that case, we have also prepared a Media Kit, which you can download in a PDF format from the dedicated page for this topic:
It’s important to note that our services are offered strictly by selling our safety training courses and LMS services. We do not offer personalized consultation services, interpretation, or representation of the active legislation. Our support department will not be answering such questions and requests as it is not an extent of our services.
What languages are courses available in?
Safety training courses in Canada can only be done in English or French.
Courses in other languages are not considered recognized training as they do not respect the rules set forward by the OHS Act or various training standards, for example, CSA.
All our programs are available in English and French.
Our system utilizes browser language detection through cookies to understand the user’s preferred language and displays our content according to the user’s preference. However, if you choose to change the language of the presentation, you can freely do so by utilizing the language switch located on each page.
Do note that switching browser language will not reset the course progress.
What's the difference between Online and Blended Training Courses?
Courses marked as online training usually require only theoretical training and evaluation to be compliant. Specific courses marked as blended training may require workplace-specific hands-on practical evaluation.
For such classes, our platform will provide you with theoretical training and evaluation, which you can do online, and a certificate will be issued for that part.
On top of that, we also provide you with templates/resources needed to complete the workplace-specific training. However, the evaluation part of this process is done by a competent person from or contracted by your company. A workplace supervisor or employer usually fills this role.
Can I preview the course before buying it?
Yes. Each program has a 3-minute demo in which you can freely access any of our programs to ensure the presentation’s quality matches your requirements.
Unlocking the full content requires payment for the program.
You can locate the preview option in the top section of each product page.
What courses should I take?
Deciding which safety training courses you need, start with a workplace hazard analysis.
Then, based on a workplace inspection by a competent person or at the very least, the employer will be responsible for selecting the programs and the appropriate level of training.
eSafetyFirst Canada does not provide inspection or consultation services to help you decide what courses are needed for implementing safety programs. However, we offer a consultation page explaining the hazards our safety training programs will cover and help you decide on the required courses.
Can I download the course material?
No. You cannot download any of our presentations or testing sections without our consent.
Any unauthorized attempt to download or replicate our material will result in a permanent ban from our system, and we will take legal action to protect our business and developed content.
If you wish to import our programs into your LMS, you can easily do so through our Course Licensing system. More information about this matter is on the dedicated page:
What happens if I fail a test?
Individual training has unlimited exam attempts, which means if you fail, you can retake the test until you pass it and progress further.
To prevent downtime in group training sessions if specific individuals ignore the presentation and delay the process for everyone, we’ve decided to limit group retraining to one re-attempt per test.
Can I take a course from a mobile device?
Yes. Our courses are cross-device compatible, meaning not only can you take a course from a mobile or tablet device, but you can also start the course on a device, pause and resume on a different one.
Will my progress be saved if I disconnect/log out midsession?
Yes. Our learning system will leave a bookmark on the slide/module from which you left the session so you can always relaunch the course and resume from where you left off.
Is there a time limit to complete a course?
There are no time limits to complete a training program.
However, some automated systems periodically verify and remove inactive accounts to prevent storage and server costs associated with such accounts.
For example, failing to renew the training of an expired program within six months of expiration will remove that course from your account. Once an account has no associated courses, it will be automatically removed from our system.
Another example would be being invited into a program by the employer and not starting the course within six months, which will return the course credit to the employer.
Active accounts reported no negative experiences from using such automated systems, as they are unaffected by this implementation.
How long does it take to complete a course?
The content length is displayed on all product pages; however, some individuals may take longer than others to finish the course.
Please note that a group training session usually adds at least one hour extra, on top of the content length, due to preparation and possibly failed testing questions.

Are eSafetyFirst courses recognized in the industry?
Trained professionals have developed all our courses following Canadian Safety Standards to provide participants with the necessary knowledge of hazards and safe workplace environments.
These courses are developed to meet and exceed the OHS Standards and the latest CSA Standards. Therefore, they are recognized by OHS and Worker Compensation Boards.