Platform Demo

A technical demonstration of our platform is available, without any commitments, to any potential customer.

Before you access the demo account, please read this page to understand how it works, what is available to you and the limitations of this demonstration.

Request a Demo

Fill out the form below so you can access our platform demo straight away.
User Panel

What can you do inside the demo?

Our user panel follows a simple and familiar interaction concept.

On the left side of the screen, the user will have a navigation menu; in the centre of the screen, the user will have the options available within that menu.

Considering this is a demo account, only a few limited scenarios are available to you. Any interaction with the user panel will not perform the tasks associated with that action.

User account dashboard preview with navigation menu on the left and central interaction options
Platform demo

Account & Access Level

All demo accounts within our platform come with a predefined set of rules and settings.

Considering this is a demonstration, the scope of this interaction, as a non-paying customer, is to navigate within the available functions and options to decide if our LMS solutions are suitable for your training needs.

Notification highlighting the demo account status and limited functionality for user interactions
Menu Options


The dashboard is where you’ll find the courses purchased, with quick, actionable options (Start Course or Train Someone Else), a quick preview of the Transaction History and the most frequent five questions customers have.

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